Universal Exchange "Stop whittling away at me!"
"But if we just take a little out of here..." "Stop!" "...and a little from over there..." "I said STOP!" "...and a pinch from here..." "I can't take this anymore! You're hurting me!" "...and then put this there..." "Hey!" "...and this can go right over here... "What?" "...and this should go up over here..." "Wait, what are you doing?" "There. Oh, what am I doing? Well, can't you feel what I'm doing? I'd think you could feel that." "I CAN feel it! I've been screaming at you to stop!" "Why would you want me to stop?" "Because it hurts!" "Ah, yes, growing can hurt." "GROWING? I'm grown! Why are you doing this to me?" "Oh, dear, I'm just building you up."
AuthorMolly Roland is a writer by nature, and she enjoys stepping over the invisible lines society loves to draw. Categories |