Last week's writing prompt was fun! Lets do it again!! This time, we are throwing out a few prompts to choose from..choose one, choose them is all up to you as the creative writer!
This week's Wicked Writing Prompts are as follows: 1. Knickers in a Twist... 2. Another Freaky New Year... 3. You can't buy THAT at Walmart... Here are the rules: Piece must be original work of author. Piece must be thought provoking, or emotionally charged without sugar-coating. Other than that, pretty much anything goes. Easy enough, yes? Winners will have their work published here on the website, and featured on our ole Book of Faces page! That is a pretty good spread to have your work read. :) Please submit your original Wicked Writing Prompt pieces to : [email protected].... We look forward to reading what you come up with!!! Good luck!!
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